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News:: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] :: 2011-09-11  | New companies in the portal Rudana In connection with the expansion of the portal, administrators accept the placement of articles of any subject. From producer companies, artisans, from educational institutions and institutions of legal concern. Any article can be sent to our email address using the feedback form
>>> | 2011-07-07  | Вeneath the sky surprises Global contract prices for iron ore in the third quarter will drop by about 3%. Probably, this fact is the first sign of a new trend.
>>> | 2010-12-21  | Обновление библиотеки портала Обновление библиотеки портала
>>> | 2010-11-10  | The outcome of Ukraine's nuclear power According to the results of the seventh meeting of the Ukrainian-Russian committee for economic cooperation interstate commission "Nuclear fuel" and the Russian company TVEL signed a previously announced agreement to build a plant in Ukraine to produce nuclear fuel for VVER-1000 reactors.
>>> | 2010-09-08  | Rosatom has won the tender in nuclear Rosatom has received official notification from the Minister of Fuel and Energy Minister Yuri Boiko of the victory of the Russian TVEL in the tender for construction of a plant for the production of nuclear fuel, reported «Interfax» the press service of state-owned corporation. The results of the tender must approve the Cabinet of Ministers. In the tender, in addition TVEL, attended the Sino-American Westinghouse.
>>> | 2010-06-16  | «Top 200 Ukraine» in 2009 In today's world there is a tendency to increase the role of university rankings in higher education and in society. In fact, in each country conducted by independent professional organizations ranking universities at the national level. Ukraine also has not remained aloof from these processes. During the past four years students (applicants), research and educational community, employers have the opportunity to become acquainted with the academic ranking of higher educational establishments of Ukraine "Top 200 Ukraine". This work holds the UNESCO Chair in Higher Technical Education, Applied Systems Analysis and Informatics "on the basis of the memorandum signed with UNESCO CEPES in 2005.
>>> | 2010-03-24  | Kazakhstan + Japan = SARECO March 24, 2010 national nuclear company Kazatomprom and the Japanese company «Sumitomo Corporation» signed the founding document of the joint venture «Summit Atom Rare Earth Company» (SARECO) in the area of rare metals.
>>> | 2010-03-01  | Steelmakers are stocking Russia's raw materials The conflict between the Krivoy Rog iron ore plant «Suhaya Balka» made it possible for miners to build up Russia's presence in our market. As a result of the conflict between the Ukrainian mining enterprises of the local Russians celebrate the victory. The result of a dispute between the Krivoy Rog iron ore plant and «Suhaya Balka» the refusal of the Mariupol metallurgical combine them. Illich buying ore on the two conflicting enterprises in favor of imported raw materials from Stoilensky Gkombinatom, which is part of the Novolipetsk metallurgical plant Vladimir Lisin.
>>> | 2010-01-06  | LLP Mining Company JSC Kazatomprom The Republic of Kazakhstan came out on top for the extraction of uranium in the world. According to the LLP «Mining Company» JSC «Kazatomprom», December 21, 2009 annual plan was fulfilled. Natural uranium amounted to 13500 tons. Until the end of the year produced more than 400 tons. Forecasts according to consultancy UxConsalting, it is expected that Canada will acquire in 2009, 9934 tons, Australia – 8022 tons of natural uranium.
>>> | 2009-12-06  | Ukrainian ore conquers China Ukrainian exporters of iron ore strengthen its position in the world's largest sales market – China. Exporters have begun to use large vessels class Capesize tonnage to 400 tons instead of Panamax tonnage to 100 tons This allows for more than 30% lower cost of transportation and 10% – final price of the product.
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