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News:: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] :: 2021-02-23  | Exhibition of equipment Varius A new platform that represents the most famous companies: manufacturers and suppliers of metalworking equipment, tools and equipment. An important component of an online exhibition is brand reputation and quality products. >>> | 2021-01-19 .jpg&x=100) | High quality ventilation Ventilation as a full range of services - from clarification of wishes and implementation in installation to support for long-term and successful operation - you will receive by contacting 766-Elcom. >>> | 2020-11-21  | Refrigeration equipment on request Direct deliveries from manufacturers and delivery throughout Ukraine will be performed by the Holod Company LLC. At the present time, stores have become online stores, and the sale of equipment has expanded its geography. To explore the assortment, go to the online store coldequipment.top >>> | 2020-09-22  | Office furniture Does the manager need a lot of furniture, office and related equipment?
Here, based on the experience of furniture manufacturers, I can say that to each his own.
But what the company does and how many responsibilities and tasks a manager has is of great importance. >>> | 2020-09-17  | Plastic for 3d printers Plexiwire domestic manufacturer of plastic for 3d printers, materials for 3d printing in Ukraine. 10 years ago, we were shown in the news of science and technology about a new development of a printer capable of printing a plastic figurine, a ball, a pointer and many other useful and not very good products, both for children and adults, with the help of plastic, which is filled into it. And how unexpectedly and quickly such printers began to be used in work, in production and even for personal purposes. >>> | 2020-06-13  | Refuel a boat or yacht on the water in Dnipro Improving the service system at gas stations, we often wondered how to bring diesel fuel to the fields, estuaries, or in the backwaters, where your boat anchored and you enjoy the silence. Or where did you finish processing the field, and the fuel gauge wearily slid to 0. >>> | 2020-06-12  | Quality building materials Since the market offers many options for materials for the construction of walls, we recommend that you study all options: from brick to foam blocks and gas blocks. By the way, the Aerok gas block is just a new type of building material for walling. >>> | 2019-10-11  | Construction dewatering If you are planning a large construction project and geotechnical analysis tells you that the penetration of groundwater threatens the stability of your excavations, the solution is for you - building water reduction >>> | 2019-09-04  | Baseball caps without a visor Now the docker cap has a wide variety both in tissue density and thermal conductivity. They are made of cotton, denim and wool blend. For any season and wind. There is an adjustment for the volume of the head. Since the dimensional grid does not fully cover the needs of fans of such a docker. >>> | 2019-07-04  | Kitchens to order in Dnipro In most cases, if your kitchen is not exactly small, joinery will take up most of your budget. Choose wisely and you will have more money to get other goodies on your wish list. >>> |
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2024-01-27 Tableware wholesale Just as a theater begins with a wardrobe, a cozy home begins with the kitchen. When choosing kitchen and tableware, we divide them into the following categories:
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• Current storage products.
LaserSvit Online store of laser equipment It is relevant and in demand to manufacture products for various purposes on a laser printer or on a laser machine. Our online store of laser equipment offers different options for almost any of your tasks.
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