Answers for Your questions

автор: Олег Хоменко
Say, please, that for the incomprehensible at a portal name – Rudana?
Rudana it is the ancient womanish name. On age-old legend girl Rudana endowed the life and engendered the richest supplies of iron-stones in Dnepr earths. We took this name as an example self-sacrifices, continuing its business, but only in an informative sphere.
Why are such difficult portals needed?
Any inhabitant from studying college to the professor of university, interested in a mining subject, will find for us interesting information which can be used for writing both in a student course and dissertation work.
But not how too different directions activity are incorporated for you on a portal: education, science, production?
A person who wants to become successful in life, first studying, then working at the company, and with experience tends to management, analysis and research. To diversify competent expert desired just such a scenario work. Therefore, we aim to provide a wealth of information covering the contingent of users with different interests and outlook.
Say, how on your portal to place the information?
If you present an enterprise, we are ready to give a firm or company page in a section «Partners». An exclusive new will be placed in the section of «News», materials of analytical character – in the section of «Analitics» et cetera. We are similarly ready to do Refs.s on Your portals, sites, electronic resources from our pages with a similar subject.