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S. Isachenko
«Frozen» giant behind barbed wire
«Frozen» giant behind barbed wire

Following the presidential elections are important and no less scandalous event of the year promises to be an investor coming in Krivoy Rog Mining and Processing Plant of oxidized ores (KMPPOO). As claimed by many specialists in the history of privatization in Ukraine has not yet been the object of such importance to the economy. >>>

М. Pereyaslavets
Scientists are still hoping that they will hear
Scientists are still hoping that they will hear

Recently held traditional VII Academic reading the memory of Professor Vitaliy Strikha (1931-1999), prominent Ukrainian physicist and educator, initiator of the establishment and first president of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine. Over the past years, these readings have become a prominent forum of university science, which gives an idea of the priority issues to address are working today Ukrainian scientists. >>>

А. Koksharov
Uranium fever
Uranium fever

Consumption of uranium in the coming decades will grow rapidly. To ensure long-term needs nuclear power plants, mining companies are actively competing for control of stocks of raw materials. Beginning in 2010 marked the high-profile events in the uranium industry. The Chinese company CNNC, specializing in nuclear energy, in late January announced it would acquire 37 percent stake in the project development of uranium ore in Niger. A week later it announced the purchase of Canadian company Khan Resources, which develops uranium deposits in Mongolia (bypassed, thus, Russia's "Atomredmetzoloto"). In Niger, the beginning of a major project of the French Areva (in the extraction of uranium ore will be invested 1.5 billion dollars). >>>

S. Storchak
Paradoxes in the dumps
Paradoxes in the dumps

Stable operation of one of the leading sectors of the economy, providing a quarter of commodity production and half of foreign exchange revenue (and sometimes even 90%), depends primarily on the stable supply of raw materials. The sin of complaining, with iron ore we are lucky train. In its reserves of Ukraine – one of the richest countries in the world. But permanent primary conflicts between domestic metallurgical companies indicate that «many» – is not necessarily «good». >>>

P. Baranov
Dzhespilitovaya room: to be or be not?
Dzhespilitovaya room: to be or be not?

The cultural values of world value are closely related to the epoch which put beginning their creation, with people-creator, with a that historical situation which they arose up in. Be that monuments of architecture, decorations, articles of cult, hardness to over-estimate the value of natural resources which was used by masters at creation of masterpieces. >>>

L. Kolеsnik
Doktorant, he is which am?
Doktorant, he is which am?

Since the leading countries of the world became on the way of reformating the educational systems, state boundaries began to collapse and formed the European integral system of education. Already now all more students travel and study at support of the European and American programs of mobility, such as Tempus, Socrates, Marie-Curie and other Through the participants of such programs Ukraine gets access to the newest developments, world achievements. This tendency, on prognoses, will only increase. On the whole development of «fifth freedom» (fifth freedom), foreseeing the free movement of knowledges, and also students and researchers, is acknowledged one of priorities of European Union. In fact all more problems accumulate in the world, to decide which independently not in forces not a single country. >>>

Y. Sadlak
Instrument for the improvement of higher education
Instrument for the improvement of higher education

Already in third times students, teachers, employers, journalists and public are in a position to familiarize with the 200 best institutes of higher of Ukraine on rating of UNESCO is «Top 200 Ukraine». >>>

S. Isachenko
Offshore of uranium million
Offshore of uranium million

From all constituents of global task on creation of own production of nuclear fuel in Ukraine really there is one is source of raw materials. Nature generously provided with us uranium. True, an ore is not such rich, as in Canada and Australia, but her much, however in one other European country. How many exactly — it is unknown: from the chronic shortage of facilities geological survey works on uranium beds were not conducted from the moment of disintegration of Soviet Union. >>>

Y. Pihnovska
Strain bends
Strain bends

A crisis complimented with to the Ukrainian state a chance to line up the effective system of financing of high school: to support no institutes of higher by money, and students. >>>

S. Kvit
Innovations as norm of educational reforms
Innovations as norm of educational reforms

I did not put before purpose to be complex conception of development of higher education in Ukraine. My task consists of that, to look at the indecisive attempts of reformation of university life the rational look. And also to prove a thesis about a necessity to complete begun, and then already use the results of reforms, not naming on difficult life or, yet worse, reconciling oneself to with obvious — impermissible falling of quality of scientific researches and education. >>>

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