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L. Bulavin
Who in an university the most important? No, no rector
Who in an university the most important? No, no rector

Already a few years of professor of the Ukrainian universities is forced to establish the presence of university crisis. The promulgated ratings of the best universities of world became the trigger mechanism of distribution of such talks. >>>

S. Shevchenko
Novations in the scientifically-pedagogical personnel training at NMU
Novations in the scientifically-pedagogical personnel training at NMU

Introduction of innovative approaches at the preparing specialists of higher qualification, that problems are caused growing skilled, related to the break of generations. A problem decides by strengthening of generation of teachers by age junior 35 years due to the complete opening and realization of creative potential of students, graduate students and young scientists in the scientific, pedagogical and organizational spheres of activity of university. >>>

V. Russkih
Planning of mines by modern software
Planning of mines by modern software

Today in the conditions of hard economic policy those enterprises which draw on in the work front-rank scientific and technical development are won. From that, what technologies are used at the conduct of mountain works, speed of the data processing depends straight, and, consequently, and ability of enterprise to react on the changes of situation. >>>

E. Balackiy
Applied solidity. Theoretical bubbles at the market of scientific researches
Applied solidity. Theoretical bubbles at the market of scientific researches

Presently there are the huge changes in the field of science and ynnovation. If it was earlier considered that fundamental researches stand at the beginning of innovative cycle, and the applied developments complete him, today this presentation, presumably, is outdated and gradually dies off. What comes on the change to the indicated presentation? >>>

S. Umanskiy
Uranium deadlocks…
Uranium deadlocks…

Years twenty ago by the uranium deposits people were scared, then became all not to it, and now about them remember unless at some incident or scandal… Last year about uranium production in Yellow Waters wrote mainly in connection with the troop landing on his production of sculptures acids. Then to three tons of sulphureous anhydride got in an atmosphere.... >>>

private school Kiev
private school Kiev

The school boarding school in Zoloch, near the city of Kiev invites children from 6 to 17 years to study. A unique international curriculum, high qualifications of teachers, a new curriculum that helps to absorb material quickly and easily. School in Zoloche - step into a quality life! >>>

A. Vladiko
How do zaporozhian miners contest with water?
How do zaporozhian miners contest with water?

The problems of the re-mining technology to extract ore in mined horizons left in the CAC “Zaporizkii ore mining enterprise” are considered. The results of studies dealing with ore extraction using cleaning rooms under complicated hydro-geological conditions are presented; the recommendations to extract these deposits are given. >>>

Milling works to ChPU Kiev
Milling works to ChPU Kiev

Also often in the mines ordered the manufacture of parts according to the drawings. Ukrainian companies in the activities of milling work CNC cues, or at the place of local manufacturers. As often there is a need for a unique piece of lining or another part of installations for the extraction of ores and minerals. >>>

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Tableware wholesale
Just as a theater begins with a wardrobe, a cozy home begins with the kitchen. When choosing kitchen and tableware, we divide them into the following categories:
• Items for cooking,
• Helper tools and other necessary gadgets for working in the kitchen,
• Products for table setting,
• Current storage products.


Microneedle RF in DnieperBeauty Laboratory
Microneedle RF in Dnieper
An effective rejuvenating procedure. It is performed on a special device through a puncture, through a special nozzle with insulated gold-plated needles. This is how radiofrequency pulses are applied to the skin, old collagen is destroyed and the process of formation of new collagen is started.

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