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Closed public company «Zaporozhe iron-ore combine»

автор: Олег Хоменко

The story begins with a plant of the seventeenth century when under the guidance of Academician V.F. Zuev was initiated exploration territory Tavriyskikh steppes. Once the rough geological map of the southern Ukraine to search ended in 1948, when geological expedition under the leadership of V. Suslenikova found Belozersky magnetic anomaly. Its total length was 64 km long and up to 12 km in width. Subsequently, from late 1956, development of the field is Zaporozhe iron ore. The solemn delivery of on-mountain first tone of iron ore deposits of the South White Lake was held on August 28, 1967 at the mine, «South». First and foremost CPC «ZIOC» was commissioned December 30, 1969 Extraction of raw materials is a complicated hydrogeological conditions – under seven aquifers (including Buchaksky) at a depth of 600 m.


Resource base. Of the three mineral types of ore deposits of South-Belozersky predominant widely dispersed-and hematite ore martite. The average iron content in an array of 62%. The presence of silica in the ore does not exceed 10% and there is a small amount of contaminants of sulfur, phosphorus, and alumina. Horizontal reservoir thickness «Home» is changed from 230 m to the south up to 80 – in the north. The angle of incidence is increased deposits from south to north, from 60 to 85º. Ore area of the southern flank at a depth of – 253 m is 95 thousand m2, which is reduced by 5 thousand m2 with an immersion for every 100 m. At the northern flank of the degree of mineralization is much less than in the south, but it will increase with depth. This makes it possible to compensate for the decreasing power of the southern flank with increasing depth development. Since the ore reserves in the floor of 740–840 m is 30,1 million tones, while total proved reserves of ore – about 300 million tons.


The structure of the plant consists of mining shaft «Operational» and the shaft for the mine workings, «Heading», crushing and screening plant, a shop favorite out space in the mine, power, railway and motor transport shop, repair shop and mechanical repair, maintenance of mining equipment. The design capacity of the mine «Operational» is 4 million tons and in 2004 it was achieved. In the future, planned increase in mining to 4,5 million tons/year.


The central group of trunks («Load № 1», «Freight № 2» and «Subsidiary») is passed to a depth of 970 meters, ventilation trunks «Southern» and «North» – to a depth of 400 m, while the «Drain-Vent» – to a depth of 640 m. Cleaning operations are conducted in floor 301–340 m, 640–740 and 740–840 m, and mining capital – in the floor of 840–940 m. Testing of ore reserves at the plant is performed using floor-chamber system design to the completion of the elaborated Space hardening mixtures. Height are working floor is 100 m.


Preparation of stocks within the floor passed with a circular field of unit vectors scheme haul. Transporting ore by means of electric contact K-14 and SH-4 trucks or VG-10. Conducting horizontal drilling and blasting is carried out preparatory workings way. The structure of the tunnel system includes self-propelled drilling rigs domestically produced UBSH-207 (SBKNS-2M), loaders PPN-3A, PT-4 and VM-5M fan. Since 1993, for the use of horizontal workings imported excavating equipment: self-propelled drilling rigs Boomer H-251, H-252 Boomer and Scoop trams type PNE-1700, PNE-2500. Vertical production conducted by tuneless Robbins 73RM, and mainly by blasting holes of sectional.


Stocks mine field are processed by the camera system-storey development sublevel of breaking the ore and the subsequent filling of mined-out space hardening bookmark. Clean-up activities will consist of three phases: Cutting stock camera (with a reversal of funnels), segment the camera (vertical cutting education gap) and immediately cut stock camera. The Mill used the suction method and the diagonal ventilation scheme, which is carried by the main fan installations located in the Northern, Southern and drainage ventilation shafts. The central group of trunks fresh air is supplied to the main operational horizons 340, 480, 640, 740 and 840 m February 27, 2009 heading team V.V. Kolesnik was opened ore deposit Pereverzevskogo field. Work on the development works were started in 1986 and renewed in 2007 and was brought to its logical conclusion.


Products: sinter ore with iron content of 62% (16,4% silica, particle size 0–20 mm), open-hearth № 21 and 22 ore with iron content of 58,5 and 61,5%, respectively (relative humidity of up to 3,0%, silica, and 15%, particle size up to 360 mm) blast furnace ore with iron content of 53,5% (to 28,5% silica, particle size of up to 100 mm).


Consumers: Iron & Steel Works «Zaporozhstal», Mariupol Ilyich steel works and the «Iron & Steel Works», Donetsk Metallurgical Plant, the Czech firm «Trinets», «Nova Gutta» and «Alta», steel plants in Romania, Hungary, Poland and Russia. About 60% products are exported to the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Austria, and the rest is supplied by «Zaporizhstal». In addition, the ore goes to Zaporozhye Mariupol metallurgical combine. Lenin, the mill, «Iron & Steel Works» and Donetsk metallurgical plant.


Details: Closed public сompany «Zaporozhe iron-ore combine», industrial site, the Dneprorudnoe, Zaporozhye region, Ukraine, 71631, tel.: (06175)67254, fax: (06175)6731, Telex: 127 185 RUNO, e-mail: info @


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