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minin centers Ukraine





Limited liability company «East-Ore»

автор: Олег Хоменко

History. Deposits of iron ore on the river Yellow explored in 1895 were opened a large field and small Zheltorechenskoe reserves Netesovskoe, etc. Development Ursati stocks entering the Earth's surface, started in 1898, deposits have been developed to open in 1934 After 1917. Zheltorechenskogo stock-based iron ore deposit was organized by the Mining Group «Yellow River» trust «Krivbassore». In 1934, after the commissioning of the mine «Capital», has started working off inventory entirely underground, with a capacity of 75–770 tons/year. The mine operated until the beginning of the occupation by the Germans Kryvorizhzhya. During the war the mine was flooded, lift installation disabled. All attempts by the Germans to restore the mine were not successful. In late 1944, after the liberation of the village of Yellow River, the restoration of the mine. From 1950 to 1993, the exploitation of reserves of iron ore deposits worked Zheltorechenskogo Eastern Mining and Concentration Combine. During the 50's – 60's. SE «Eastern MPC» reconstruction of the mine. Construction of new capital shafts – «Olkhovskaya». Produced construction operating mines, «Capital» – to the horizon 405 m, «Michael's» – to the horizon 335 m. In 1968, commissioned in shaft «New-Deep», passed to the horizon 1105 m. In 1974, commissioned shaft «Blind-14» passed from horizon to horizon 1105 m 1445 m


Resource base. Since 1993, stock-based scandium-vanadium and iron ore deposits were created Zheltorechenskogo joint Ukrainian-barbadoskoe enterprise «EastMPC-Ashurst». Due to lack of demand for Scandium products, lack of an effective enrichment and separation of scandium, the high cost of intermediate and finished products at all stages of production, as well as errors in the assessment of the founders of the global demand for products with Scandium November 1, 1995 Scandium program was suspended until 2002 and subsequently not renewed. Since stopping work on the extraction of ores Scandium main focus of the joint venture was the production of iron ore, the improvement of processing technologies to increase the iron content in the concentrate Launched and improving the governance structure. Development work on the further development of iron ore stocks by foreign investors is not funded. However, despite this, the extraction of iron ore produced from the production of iron ore concentrate. Currently, some facilities for mining and preparatory work on the ore deposit formation in the western floor of 405–685 m. The reserves of iron ore deposits Zheltorechenskogo on 01.01.2006 are as follows: pool, «Basic», total – 49 185 tons including: the rich ore – 9 367 tons, the poor – 39 818 tones, of which – C1 – 30 048 tons, C2 – 9770 thousand tons, ore deposit formation West, total – 411 464 tons in Including: B – 25 467 tons, C1 – 130 091 thousand tons, C2 – 255 906 tons.


Since 1996, the company volume of mining operations for the preparation of iron ore reserves have decreased dramatically. With the renaming of the company «East-Ore» and the arrival of new investors in 2001 «Ecology of the Dnipro», and then «Ukrainian export resources», the situation has not changed, investments of mining and preparation work was carried out. From 1996 until early 2002 fine-tuned the pre-main iron ore deposits. In April 2002, mining of iron ore has been completely stopped. In the second quarter of 2002, began flooding the mine excavation, as pumping stations were dismantled and removed. Until 2004, the water level rose to a critical level, almost to the horizon 405 m. Further flooding threatened the city Yellow Waters ecological disaster, because above this horizon remains uneven, with reserves of uranium ore with a lot of pyrite. With the advent of a new investor company – Poltava MPC, through its subsidiary company «Ferrotrans», flooding the mine field was halted and begun its drainage and restoration on reclaimed mining horizons.

Mine «New»

The history of making the mine dates back to the period of laying and sinking the shaft, «Capital» in the early thirties of last century mine office of trust «Krivbassore» construction pithead – copra, building hoist, and other consumer and business structures (bridges, emergency storage, domestic plant, etc.). Shaft «Capital» of diameter 5 m is passed from the surface to the horizon 267 m, followed by depression to the horizon, 405 meters, is equipped with cage and skip hoists, underground crushing complex. The equipment consists of a barrel of concrete walls; steel horizontal beams embedded in concrete walls, wood, wires and separating the metal grating. Mining of iron ore in the underground floor of 207–155 m were mainly in three areas – the main deposits, deposits of north-western spur (NWS) and East deposits. Mining of iron ore with iron content of 55–56% was carried out in a way small hole difficult geological conditions at the fortress of ores and host rocks main reservoir of 160–180 MPa, deposits NWS – 180–200 MPa and 140–160 MPa East deposits. Dimensions of treatment units (cells), which conducted drilling holes punches, drill rods and equipped with cross-shaped crowns, consistent with 60×30×70 m. At the underground work in service trucks with tillable and deaf bodywork capacity of 0,7 and 1 m with hand and horse haulage.


Drifting with a diameter of 7,5 m to 1105 m horizon, with the construction of pithead and the entire surface of the complex process of receiving and processing of uranium ores, as well as the mine shaft «Blind-14» from the horizon of 1105 to 1445 m allowed to solve problems from uranium mining on the lower horizons, because stocks in the upper levels were in progress. With the commissioning of the mine «New-Deep», the uranium ore mined in small quantities from the upper horizons through bypass haul develop at the horizon 1105 m, and with the lower horizons was issued through the shaft, «Blind-14» on the same horizon of 1105 m and below was issued on surface processing facility, process, and plunged into railroad cars.


Company structure is as follows: pit «New», produces iron ore, the processing complex, which process iron ore, compressor station, mechanical-repair workshops, site administration and public services, motor transport section, repair and construction site, site of the company. Iron ore after crushing in an underground bunker complex crushing horizon 685 m (class 30–50 mm) has been issued skips on the surface crushing and screening plant. At crushing screening plant ore is fed to the cone crusher, which is split up the class of 130 mm. Further, the feeder is fed to the classification of body control screening, there ore grade 25 mm is fed to the mill, but on a larger stage crushing and then to the factory. The final product – ore particle size 25 mm (40%), moisture 6%, iron content of 41%.


On the PF-2 ore is fed to a rod mills grinding stage, and then diluted with water to a moisture content of 40–45% goes to the classifiers, working in a closed loop with ball mills grinding stage. Thin plums (80% passing 0,074 mm) with solids content 28–32% is applied to declaiming, where there is a partial declaiming and thickening of the material. Draining the classifier after declaiming comes to magnetic separation (drum separators with permanent magnets) and filtration, and then goes concentrate with iron content of 64,5%, moisture 8–9%. If necessary, increase the iron content up to 66,1% of the concentrate is sent to a classification, followed by ball mills, where the product is obtained with grain size 90% – 0,074 mm class. Further separation is carried out in three steps, which results in three products: final tailings, iron concentrate with an iron content of 64,5% and concentrate with iron content from 66,0 to 66,5%.


Details: Limited liability company «East-Ore», trans. Major, 2, the Yellow Waters, Dnepropetrovsk region, Ukraine, 52210, tel./fax: (05652)55307, e-mail:


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