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State Enterprise «Eastern mining-processing combine»


History. Deposits of iron ore on the river Yellow explored in 1895 were opened a large field and small Zheltorechenskoe reserves Netesovskoe, etc. Development Ursati stocks entering the Earth's surface, started in 1898, deposits have been developed to open in 1934 in the period from 1898 to 1934, apart from the main reservoir deposits functioned Zheltorechenskogo career: Ursati – since 1899; Netesovsky – from 1907 to 1912, St. Michael's – from 1904; Kolotti – since 1900; Olhovskiy – from 1899 to 1915 The beginning of the extraction and processing of uranium ore in Ukraine belongs to the late 40's the last century. In 1945, geologists prospecting Party Central Ukrainian Geological Survey discovered evidence of uranium mineralization at the May and Zheltorechenskom fields. In 1946 he began exploration and in 1951 it was finished. Reserves were calculated and deposits were transferred to the Second Chief Directorate of the Council of Ministers.


Mining of uranium ore deposits Pervomaisky Zheltorechenskogo and launched in 1948 trust «Leninruda» of the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy. Digestion hydrometallurgical plant № 906 was launched in 1949 to increase uranium mining July 24, 1951 The Council of Ministers adopts a resolution on the establishment of plant № 9 of trust «Leninruda» (then the company № 28, and since 1966 – company № 6449, then East MPC) on the basis of mine named May 1, Yellow River and several other companies. Construction of major mines in the mines was completed in the period from 1954 to 1958 immediately to a depth of 800 m were laid down capital shafts «United» and «North» on the Pervomaisky mine, «New» and «Olkhovskaya» – on Zheltorechenskom.


During the 70's was built and its design capacity of the first in the Kirovograd region Ingul's'ka mine with all the support units. In the 80's SE «EastMPC» in the structure has four divisions – the mine «Olkhovskaya», «New» on Zheltovodskoy site, «North» and the № 1 «Ingul's'ka», «Smolinski» mines, and hydro-mechanical-repair plant, the central research laboratory automation, research and production complex «Automatic» and «Machine» and other ancillary department.


Resource base. Vatutinsky field is located in the town of Kirovograd region Smolino and operated since 1973, and Michurinskoe – on the outskirts of Kirovohrad – from 1969 on Vatutinsky, it is estimated that possibly get 15–30 tons of uranium. On Michurinskom, according to experts, the remaining reserves for 10–20 years, that is to be produced no more than 12 tonnes of uranium. At a distance of 5,5 km from the mine shaft «Michurinskaya» is mine «Central» with large reserves of uranium. Since the infrastructure is in production «Ingul's'ka» mining plant, it was decided by using the existing tunnel, keep the volume of production at the same level, involving the stocks of the mine «Central».


All the explored deposits are large reserves of uranium. Characterized by significant uranium mineralization geometric dimensions. Individual deposits have a length of 0,1 km to fall and strike up to 1 km. In combination with high strength ores and host rocks, so the large size of the ore bodies can use high-floor chambers of the development of breaking the ore from the mines with a capacity of sublevel purification unit 20–25 thousand tons of ore per month. Ore deposits are explored simple and relatively constant chemical and mineral composition. This ensures consistency of the chemical and mineral composition of marketable ore arriving at the hydrometallurgical processing, which contributes to the achievement of high technical and economic indicators of ore. Ore containing only uranium, thereby escaping the natural uranium concentrates has high quality features. In addition, the hydrometallurgical production wastes do not contain in its composition, except for uranium, no other toxic heavy metals, which facilitates the storage of waste and reducing harmful effects on the environment.


Structure. Unit plant located in three areas: Dnipropetrovsk, Kirovohrad and Mykolayiv. Headquartered in the city of Yellow Waters Dnipropetrovsk region. At the combine are mine, «Smolinski» and «Ingul's'ka» hydro, sulfuric acid and mechanical repair factories, scientific-industrial complex automation and engineering, the central research laboratory and other ancillary units. Fixed assets are more than 308 million USD in headcount of around 8 thousand people.


Products: natural uranium concentrate purity of 99,85% (94% UO2 + 6% UO3) to 76% of the total production, which amounts to about 300 million USD/year, as well as sulfuric acid and 9%, other services to 9% engineering products to 5% and R & D to 1%.

Mine «Ingul's'ka»

Date of foundation of the mine «Ingul's'ka» – February 3, 1967 is located 8 km southeast of the city Kirovograd. In February 1970, was granted the first truck the ore to the shaft, «North». Mine has been producing ore from Michurinsky and East Central deposits. Ratio, in the performance of the mine «Ingul's'ka» at 2000, is about 15 years. The field began to develop Michurinskoe in 1965 with the holding of the main trunks of the «North» and «South», which were commissioned in 1973–1974. In parallel with the use of exploratory hole «Subsidiary» dissected and prepared stocks in the floor of 90–150 m, which holds about 30% of the ore. Preparation of deposits of the North-West zone, farthest from the river, began in 1967, and in 1970 started working out first experimental block, producing ore in the stands of the trunk «Support».


Sewage treatment works are in the floor of 280–210 m. The ore is given cage lift shaft «North». The field opened by the Central double-barreled «Exploratory Operating № 4 and № 5», which are passed to a depth of 1048 m and 336, respectively, and the pit backfill – 160 m drift deposits uncovered at levels 160, 230 and 300 m height are working on floor 70 m. Cleaning operations are conducted in floors 410, 500–590 and 590–680 m, and construction – in the 680–770 and 770–950 floors m. This arrangement allowed the opening of the Central deposit to transport ore to the underground mine shaft «North» Michurinskyfield without using the surface complex of mines, the «Exploration-Ekspluatayionny № 4 and № 5» for the construction of reprocessing installation, placing waste rock dumps and storage off-balance ores. The mine operates more than 1,500 workers, including 320 women.

Mine «Smolinska»

Date of formation of the mine «Smolinska» – April 28, 1972 It is located in the village Smolino Kirovograd region. Mine works off Vatutinsky deposit submitted by lenticular deposits of highly complex circuits. The total length of mineralization along strike is 950 m down dip to 850 m and width of the ore zone in the south from 15 to 300 m in the north. The structure of the deposit consists of three zones: Eastern, Central and North-West, each of which presents a series of ore bodies. The deposit was explored in detail 17 major ore deposits. The size of individual deposits varies widely: the strike 50–69o m, 35–180 m down-dip with a capacity 2,0–28,0 m. The angle of incidence 60–70o to the west. Host rocks strength of 120–180 MPa. The main rock-forming mineral of all kinds’ albitites is an album that is on average 60–80% of the host rock. Uranium ore deposits are characterized by poor Vatutinsky ordinary and CaO, which is 1–3%.


Barrels «Chief» and «Support» passed to the horizon 460 m. The trunk «Blind № 2» is passed between the levels 460–640 m shaft «Blind № 1» is passed from the horizon 280 to 640 m height are working on floors 60 and 90 m. Sewage treatment works are in the floor of 460–550 and 70–100 m, training – in the floors of 460-550 and 550–575 m, the mountain capital – Testing of 550–640 m. The ore reserves at the mine are done using the camera system-storey development with filling out space hardening mixtures. «Smolinski» mine – the numerical division of the plant. She is also the very large enterprise and Maloviskivskogo area.

Mine «Novokonstantinovskaya»

April 18, 2006 by the Ministry of Fuel and Energy Novokonstantinovskaya mine was separated from the State Enterprise «Eastern Mining-processing combine» and transformed into a single state enterprise «Management of the company, which is based on Novokonstantinovskaya deposits of uranium ore». In 2010 the family GP «Management» has become a structural subdivision of the SE «Eastern Mining-processing combine» like mine «Novokonstantinovskaya».


District Novokonstantinovskaya deposit is located in the central part of the Ukrainian shield within Kirovohrad tectonic block. The deposit is confined to tectono-metasomatic site formed by the intersection of East and hewer of faults, which control not only the formation of albitites, but also the localization of uranium mineralization, which is localized in albitites. Ore deposits are located on the field in three long, sustained by the strike and dip of ore zones I, II, III. Stocks mine «Novokonstantinovskaya» estimated at 3 million tones of ore (3 tones of uranium) with a production capacity to 1,5 million tons / year of ore (1,5 tones of uranium).The deposits, which are located in Kirovograd region, located in two sites of ore – actually Kirovograd (region Kirovograd oblast center) and Novokonstantinovskaya (near the village of Mala temple). It should be noted that the ore Novokonstantinovskaya ore cluster, which consists of 6 fields, 30% richer than stock Kirovograd ore cluster.


The project to build the company based on reserves of the deposit developed Novokonstantinovskaya Ukrainian Research and Design Institute of Industrial Technology in 1997 (the project is approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine – Protocol № 256 from 09.06.2001, the). The approved project includes the construction of I stage companies and working out the reserves in the floor of 120–480 m with an annual capacity of production of the rock mass 2000 tons/year of ore – 1500 tons 1000 tons of ore was planned to send in Yellow water for hydrometallurgical processing in HMP-1, 500 thousand tons of ore processed at the HMP-2, disposable at the site of mining complex. Processing volume due to the volume of the mixture hardening preparations for laying-out space.


Mine «Novokonstantinovskaya» on security deposits of uranium, is Europe's largest company. The total length of mineralization along strike is 1,5 km down-dip to 1,2 km and a width of ore zones from tens of meters to 0,25 km. The ore-bearing zones 1, 2 and 3 are located in the north-west, near the hewer of fault in the eastern part of the field, whose reserves are 38, 25,6 and 36,4% of balance reserves, respectively. The ore zones are spatially separated from the ore deposits, differing in size, morphology, quality ore and other parameters. A total of 178 fields were prospected deposits. Ore albitites and their surrounding granite-resistant, virtually all production carried out without fixing. Their strength is 160–180 MPa. In ores of uranium and installed 9 of uranium-bearing minerals, 5, of which the most important are: oxides – uraninite, pitchblende, hydroxides of uranium mineralization in the balance of components 74% uranium silicates – Coffin, uranofan, boltwoodite, betauranotil 21% and titanates – Brunner 5%. The deposit is opened by three shafts, «Chief», passed down to a depth of 680 m, the «Exploration-Operational № 6» (EО-6), passed to a depth of 1086 m and a «Vent» – to a depth of 680 m. The design capacity of the mine start-up complex is 250 thousand tons/year.


Details: State Enterprise «Eastern Mining-processing combine», st. Bitter, 2, the Yellow Waters, Dnepropetrovsk region, Ukraine, 52210, tel.: (05652)95914, fax: (05652)55171, e-mail:, Web:


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