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Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University


автор: Олег Хоменко

Journal “Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University” is one of the key Ukrainian multidisciplinary scientific and technical periodicals indexed by SciVerse Scopus. The scope of the journal includes problems of mining, power, and related industries. It covers the results of basic and applied researches in geology, mining and processing of minerals, geomechanics, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, information technologies, ecology, and economy. The journal “Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University” invites to the collaboration professors, scientists and researchers-practitioners experiencing different aspects of scientific and technical activities. Reading the journal you can finde out some information about other specialized editions of NMU, perspective innovative projects, offered for implementation in industry, specialities of permanent graduate course and doctoral candidacy, published monographs and tutorials. High status of “Scientific Bulletin of NMU” is confirmed by the membership of progressive-minded native and foreign scientists from Germany, Sweden, Canada, Poland, Norway, Australia, Russia and Kazakhstan in the editorial board.


We suggest you to publish materials about the results of your scientific researches, innova-tive developments, experiments and inventions in our journal. We can tell about achievements of your enterprise to the general public and help you to hand over information about it to variety of persons concerned. With our assistance you can enter into mutually beneficial cooperation with research centers and industrial organizations. Our journal opens up opportunities to appeal to ex-perienced specialists capable of helping you in your enterprise problem-solving, get them in-volved in carrying out analysis of technological, ecological and economic aspects of your enter-prise activity. At present “Scientific Bulletin of NMU” gives opportunities to exchange experi-ence with progressive-minded scientists and specialists and also to find answers for many urgent questions of modern science and production in mining, fuel and energy, and contiguous indus-tries. The journal covers questions concerning new and intensively developing fields of science and technique and best practices of higher school this allows optimizing the thematic orientation of your researches and thereby saving resources and time.


“Scientific Bulletin of NMU” is distributed in different regions of Ukraine, it has own web-site and it is placed in the portal of V.I. Vernadskyi National library of Ukraine. Starting from 2011 it is going to be included into “Catalogue of editions of Ukraine". In the near future it is going to be included into the international scientometric databases, particularly into THOMSON REUTERS and SCOPUS. Your scientific, technical or advertising information will always find the audience and our magazine will assist advancement of your intellectual products in the mar-ket of corresponding industries. We offer our permanent authors, media partners and advertisers reduced charges of subscription and advertising. The editorial staff of the “Scientific Bulletin of NMU” is always glad to co-operate with you.




Scientific Bulletin NMU 1998 y.

Scientific Bulletin NMU 1999 y.

Scientific Bulletin NMU 2000 y.

Scientific Bulletin NMU 2001 y.

Scientific Bulletin NMU 2002 y.

Scientific Bulletin NMU 2003 y.

Scientific Bulletin NMU 2004 y.

Scientific Bulletin NMU 2005 y.

Scientific Bulletin NMU 2006 y.

Scientific Bulletin NMU 2007 y.

Scientific Bulletin NMU 2008 y.



What? Where? When?

Requirements for the articles in «Scientific Bulletin of the National Mining University»

Authors should submit an article by the e-mail or on a CD with a hard copy supplement. The article should be prepared strongly following requirements of article’s preparation. Text of an article should be laid out on A4 format (210 x 297 mm) page with the following margins set: left and right – 2.0 cm, top and bottom – 2.5 cm. Use the font Times New Roman throughout, single-spacing, 10-point type and 0,5 cm indention for body text, 14-point type for title of the article. The main text of the article should be arranged in two columns with 0.7 cm spacing between them and the heading should have one-column format. The recommended length of an article (including text, tables, figures) should be 6–8 pages according the require-ments of articles preparation. Figures should not exceed 20–25% of length of an article. Title of the article, initials and surnames of all authors, an abstract and keywords should be submitted in tree lan-guages: Ukrainian, Russian and English. The structure of the article should meet the requirements of the decree of presidium of VAK of Ukraine dated 15.01.03 No.7-05/1 and be as follows: The Universal Decimal classification index (top left hand corner); Initials and surnames of all authors (no more than 5 people) and a title in the original language of the article (one-column format); Initials and surnames of all authors and a title in English language (one-column format); An abstract (up to 5–7 lines) and keywords (up to 6–8words) in the original language of the article (one-column format). The abstract should not repeat the title of the article; A body text of the article (two-column format) divided into the following sections: An introduction, indicating article’s scientific problem; An analysis of the recent research and publications; Unsolved aspects of the problem; Objectives of the article; Presentation of the main research and explanation of scientific results; Research conclusions and recommendations for further research in this area; Abstracts (up to 5–7 lines) and keywords (up to 6–8words) in the other two languages (two-column format); Reference to the person who has recommended the article (two-column format).


Figures must be included in the text file and supplemented by separate files TIFF, JPG. EPS. Only high-quality pic-tures can be accepted (300 dpi). All figures are to be numbered in order of their appearance in the text, with sections denoted as (a), (b), etc. Placing the figure numbers and captions inside figures is not allowed. Cite each figure in con-secutive order in the text. Lettering and symbols must be large enough to be readable when the figure is reduced to 1 column width (<8,5 cm) or, in rare cases, to 2 column widths. The use of color will be evaluated for each figure on an as-needed basis. Equations should be entered using Microsoft Word for Windows Editor plug-in or MathType. All equations are to be numbered in order of its appearance in the text in brackets with right justify. Equations should be column width (<8 cm). Using of metric units of measure and SI units is required. An integer part should be separated from a decimal by a coma. Tables must be included in the text file, and each should appear one per page and be 1 or 2 column width. Tables should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and supplied by a brief descriptive title. In tables there should be used 8–10-point type.


Bibliographic references should be identified by Arabic numerals and numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. They should meet requirements of DSTU GOST 7.1:2006 «System of standards on informa-tion, library and publishing. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for writing». In addition, bibliographic references should be transliterated into Roman alphabet and submitted in a separate file for posting at the website of the journal. Transliteration of Ukrainian alphabet into Roman alphabet should meet the re-quirements of Decision of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 27, January 2010 No.55. «About Regulation of Trans-literation of Ukrainian Alphabet Into Roman Alphabet». Transliteration of Russian alphabet into Roman alphabet should meet the requirements of the system BGN/HCGN. An article should be carefully checked and signed by all authors and supplemented by a written recommendation signed by the doctor of corresponding field of science, and by an expert opinion that the article can be published. Also the author should submit the following data about all authors of the article: surname, name and patronymic, academic degree, academic rank, place of employment (complete and brief name of organization), position, city, country, tele-phones and e-mail, in a separate file in Ukrainian, Russian and English. An author bears responsibility for the content of his article. Sent materials are not returned. Articles that do not meet the requirements are not considered.


The contents of the article is the author.

Articles that do not meet these requirements are not considered.

Sent materials are not returned.



State higher education «National Mining University»,

4-а, О. Gonchar Str., office 4., Dnipropetrovsk, 49005,

tel. (056)3730847, fax (056)7446214,

e-mail:, web:

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