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minin centers Ukraine





Open joint corporation «Magraneckiy mining and processing enterprice»

автор: Олег Хоменко

History. Education of the city and its name is associated with the richest deposit of manganese ore in the province. In 1920, the manganese mines in Krivoy Rog regional-ore were subordinated to the mining department Ekaterinoslav. In October 1921, in Kharkov in the Ukrainian Council of National Economy was set up management «Ukr-ore» and in early 1921 in the Central Board was formed Yekaterynoslav South ore Industry. The structure of the Krivoy Rog Management «Ray-ore» consisted of Nikopol. His manager was appointed one of the oldest captain – Agamalov I.Z. Before him was a task in the shortest line to restore the two mines, use energy-power farm and processing plant.


Already May 10, 1921 in People's House, it was decided to restore the mine № № 14, 16 and sink Gorodishchensky mine. Of the three sections of the processing plant to prepare for the work of one. Run to the work of steam turbine power plant. Intercession at the mine to the export needs to proceed to manual sorting of ores and ask allocate a portion of rescues from the sale of manganese to meet the additional pay miners, assistants and staff management. In 1927, the Office of Nikopol margantsevorudnym district merged four of mine: to them. III of the Comintern – 6 mines; them. K.G. Maximov – 7 mines, and on the Intercession Marevskom sites were started restoration work. Ore enriched 2 factories. The № of workers amounted to 6670 people. 60–70's. XX century remembered as a time of improvements in technology intensive mining and processing of manganese ore, technological innovation and scientific management. In 1970 the Trust «Nikopolmarganets» included: Grushevskogo Mining Group – 7 mines, quarry and Basanska concentrator, mine administration named 40 Years of October – 2 shafts; Grushevskii Marevsky career and 2 processing plants. These production facilities were later merged into Marganetsk МРС.


Since the beginning of perestroika Marganetsk mine converted into РC «Marganetsk МРС». This is the only in Ukraine and CIS enterprise for extraction by underground mining of manganese. Manganese ore deposit was discovered in 1883, and in 1885 on the basis of the field began production of ore Pokrovsky mine. With the development of new mines and quarries and pits formed Marganetsk Mining Plant, mining in which the underground and open pit at a ratio of 80 and 20%, respectively. The main production facilities for the extraction and enrichment of manganese ore were established in 50–60s. the last century, and the maximum production achieved in 1988 – 7,8 million tons «Marganetsk МРС» is developing the eastern part of the Nikopol manganese ore deposit (Grushevskogo Basanska-site).


Resource base. Layer of manganese ore lies horizontally with a slight bias, no more than 5º, to the south and southwest. Reservoir thickness varies widely, from thinning to the contours of the site up to 4 m in the central part. Ore bed has a continuous development of the whole area of the eastern part of the basin and presented as separate areas of various sizes. Manganese layer everywhere is covered with layer of sedimentary rocks, whose thickness reaches 60–110 m, depending on the topography of the surface. The immediate roof of the ore bed is represented by an emerald-green clays 0–14 m in some places, their power is reduced to 1–2 m or they are completely absent and replaced with the sands. Above the table is fine-grained sand up to 2,5–4,0 m, black clay to 18–20 m, sand up to 1,5–2,5 m, limestone up to 5 m, red-brown clay 28–30 m, the loess-like rocks, and modern alluvial deposits of 22–34 m. The underlying layer of ore rocks are fine-grained sand and, to a lesser extent, greenish-gray sandy clays. Ore bed capacity in most of the area is 1,5–2,5 m, in some small areas it is 4 m. The change in bed thickness within the mine fields in different ways. Manganese layer of sand and silt before the clay-rock with the inclusion of the ore material. Ore components are on average 50% of all the material enclosed in the reservoir.


Manganese-ore deposits are represented by three types of ores: an oxide, carbonate and oxide-carbonate or mixed. Oxide ores compose the northern part of the ore deposit and spread to the south lanes along its western and eastern borders. Oxide ore is gradually transformed into oxide-carbonate in the direction of the fall of the ore formation. Carbonate manganese ore is a friable sandstone-shale greenish-gray color, containing fragments of carbonate of manganese. Bed thickness of the carbonate ore is 0,7–3,5 m. The manganese content in the ore varies 10–31,5% and the average is 18%. Oxide manganese ore in appearance before a loose black rock composed of dense and earthy mineral formations. Reservoir thickness is 0,7–2,5 m. The content of manganese oxide ore in the ranges 17–47% and an average of 30%. Oxide-carbonate (mixed) ore is the transition zone from oxide to carbonate and distributed in the central part of the deposit. At the top of the reservoir is oxide ore lumpiness in the middle of it is replaced by the oxide-carbonate, and the bottom – at the carbonate. Reservoir rock mixed with ore reserves of 2,5 m. It consists of approximately 25% of total reserves.


The structure of the enterprise. Crude manganese ore is five mines: № № 2, 3/5, 8, 9/10, 14/15 – and two quarries: Hrushevsky and Basansky. In the eastern basin of manganese released Grushevskogo Basanska-site on which silo field reconstructed mine № 3/5, № 7 and the newly constructed № 9/10. On this site the deposit is divided into three horizons: the lower (by-ore), medium (ore) and upper (supra-ore). The lower horizon consists mainly of quartz sand greenish-gray color. Average horizon is composed of oxide, oxide-carbonate or carbonate ores, which are within the site represent a continuous accumulation of individual small barren fields. The upper horizon is represented by greenish-gray clay. Enrichment of ore produced at Grushevskii concentrator. The production capacity of crude ore plant in 5600 tons and the production of concentrate – 2430 tons.


Products. The quality of extracted mineral in the mines of PC «MMPC» is calculated according to the approved procedures in the plant based on the average content of manganese ore in the array. Minimum power conditioning of the ore formation – 0,75 m. The minimum content in the oxide ores – 17% carbonate – 12%. Cut-off grade for all types of ore at 10%. The average manganese content on the site Bassanskomu Grushevskogo-field for oxide ores is 27,6%, oxide-carbonate – 25,5% and 19,4% of oxide. The principal activities of plant is underground and open mining and enrichment of manganese ore, mining betonies clay raw materials for mills and factories expanded clay gravel weighting, extraction of sludge from industrial stocks, production of manganese sulfate in the solution, production of manganese sulfate crystal.


Consumers are the Nikopol manganese concentrate and Zaporizhia ferroalloy plants, and metallurgical centers of Ukraine – Dnepropetrovsk, Dneprodzerzhinsk, Zaporozhye, Krivoy Rog.

Mine № 2

Mine is № 2 commissioned in 1972 with a design capacity of 300 thousand tons of ore per year. The depth of 70–90 m manganese-ore reservoir with a capacity of 0,9–2,1 m. In the top of reservoir overlain by green clay up to 14 m. Opening of a mine field conducted by two vertical shafts. Preparation of a mine field produced haulage and conveyor drifts. Testing of individual sections of a panel made way with the ore excavation perfecting posts. Preparation of columns by excavation drifts. Testing of the ore in the pillars is bilateral, piloted alternately face, continuous extraction system with a complete collapse of overlapping species. For the production of sewage extraction used harvesters KDR-5, at penetration rifled drifts – loaders PPN-1C and jackhammers. In roadway excavation installed conveyor KTM. In the mine site there is congestion in the conveyor trolleys. Delivery of ore and rock to the trunks made in trolleys VG-1 using electric 4KR-600. The actual mode of the fan WOD-16 is characterized by an air flow of 50 m3/sес., depression in 930 Pa and the angle of installation guide blades 12o.


During the period from 1972 to 2006 within the mining lease № 2 shafts repaid 19,5 million tons of manganese ore reserves. As of early 2007, reserves of manganese ore at the mine totaled 1.1 million tons including 507 tons of relief pillars industrial site, 115 thousand tons to be discarded, 135 tons of operating losses; 375 thousand tons. To be completed in the elimination of mines. To perform the terms of mining the remaining ore reserves project envisaged in the second half of 2007, ore extraction to the two teams with a volume of 150 thousand tons/year and finalize the remaining stock until 2009 Revised eliminates all remaining stocks of the horizontal development and cameras, as well as vertical trunks. As the refinement is the dismantling of equipment, pipelines, railway tracks, metal mines in redeemable. Drift chamber and within the security pillar of the industrial site is not repaid, no lining is removed, and after the construction of reinforced concrete bridges at junctions of vertical shafts with discharge generation courtyards – are flooded. Next, the complete elimination of all facilities located within the mining and industrial area at the mine. Next is the elimination of vertical shafts by filling their empty rocks. Then eliminate the communication facilities are subject to the economy. This electrical installation, electrical and network plumbing equipment and networks; water supply and sewerage, buildings and structures of the surface complex and its transport links.

Mine № 3/5

Mine is № 3/5 is located in the Dnipropetrovsk region, east of Manganese. Mine field is located in the central part of the site Grushevskogo-Basanska Nikopol manganese ore deposits. Year of putting the mine into operation in 1979. Layer of manganese ore lies horizontally at a depth of 96 m. The average bed thickness is 1,4 m. The average content of manganese in the ore is 27,3% with a coefficient of strength ore f = 2. Mine field opened by using three tables: two vertical – the main and auxiliary and oblique – the conveyor. Method of preparation of stock – panel. The method of penetration of preparatory workings narrow face with a separate recess of ore and rock with jackhammers MO-8. Delivery of the rock mass is with complex mechanisms: the loading machine PPN-1C, trolleys SH-1 and the contact electric 4KR-600. Stocks mine field are processed by the system design with pole perfecting bilateral slaughter. Breaking of rock produced by combines КDR-5 with a loading conveyor for slaughtering KLZS. Full pipelining system of stope to the surface provides the main cargo of the mine. Inclined shaft delivers ore to the earth's surface.


The mine used the suction method of ventilation with a central-classified layout trunks. Fresh air flows through a vertical shaft № 3 and 5 and an inclined shaft. Then moves along the main haulage drifts and washes the place of mining. The exhaust air is going to the main conveyor roadway and on the ventilation hole is given to the surface. Fan VC-31, 5 is the actual air flow 112 m3/sec., 2233 Pa and depression. The angle of guide blades 30º with an efficiency of 0,75. The existing technology of the mine excavation is characterized by low rates of penetration, labor-intensive work, a low degree of mechanization faces. Currently, the mine operates five production faces, which provide production 450 thousand tons/year.

Mine № 8

Boundaries of the field of mine № 8 are in the west – Basanska quarry in the south – the waste pit mine field № 4/7, from the north and east – pinch of ore formation. The total area of 1012 hectares of mining lease, including the industrial site of 3 hectares. Mine is № 8 was designed by the institute «Yuzhgiproruda» design capacity of 300 thousand tons of crude ore per year and put into operation in 1972, maximum depth of preparation and purification of 96 m. In accordance with the design decisions mine field opened by two vertical, primarily lifting and auxiliary ventilation shafts. The main lift shaft depth of 96 m and a diameter of 4,0 m equipped with a ladder compartment, intended for delivery from the mine the ore in a trolley-type VG-1 with a capacity of 1 m3 and feed into the mine of fresh air. Auxiliary ventilation shaft depth of 94 m and a diameter of 4,0 m is used for issuing the shipment of rock dump, issue the outgoing jet, lowering material and equipment, lowering and lifting people. All barrels are fixed monolithic reinforced concrete lining. The bulk of capital unloading workings also secured with reinforced concrete. Others develop fixed metal ring supports SVP-27.


Transportation of minerals from the water treatment faces and threaded to the workings of transshipment nodes by conveyor transport, transshipment nodes from the yard to unloading on haulage roadway provides Electric haul. At existing mine sites in the excavation of ore drift conveyors installed KSHLT, KLZS, KTM, a drift conveyor – conveyors 1L-80. In the mine site there is an overload of conveyor trolleys in VG-1. Delivery of ore and rock to the trunk by in trolleys VG-1 electric cars 4KR. Preparation of sections of a mine field provided for the haulage and conveyor drifts. Testing of individual sections of the ore produced and panel way with a groove excavation of ore pillars. Preparation of columns for purifying excavation was carried out excavation drifts. Testing of manganese ore in the excavation was carried out double-sided pillars, alternately piloted slaughter and continuous extraction system with a complete collapse of overlapping species. After commissioning of the inclined shaft of the stocks was tested by flow technology with conveying the ore from the bottom to the surface. For the production of sewage extraction currently used combines EDS, at penetration rifled drifts – Demolition MO-5, machine loading PPN-1C.

Mine № 9/10

Mine is № 9/10 is located in the Dnipropetrovsk region, east of Manganese. Mine field is located in the central part of the site Grushevskogo-Basanska Nikopol manganese ore deposits. Year of putting the mine into operation in 1976. Layer of manganese ore lies horizontally at a depth of 96 m. The average bed thickness of 1,5–2,4 m. The manganese content in ore of 10–32% with a coefficient of ore Fortress 2,1. Mine field opened by using three tables: two vertical – auxiliary and oblique – the conveyor. Method of preparation of stock – and horizons panel. The method of penetration of preparatory workings narrow face with a separate recess of ore and rock with jackhammers MO-8. Delivery of the rock mass is with complex mechanisms: the loading machine PPN-1C, trolleys VG-1 and the contact electric 4KR-600. Stocks mine field are processed by the system design with pole perfecting bilateral slaughter. Breaking of rock produced by combines KDR-5 with a loading conveyor for slaughtering KLZS. Full pipelining system of stope to the surface provides the main cargo of the mine. Inclined shaft delivers ore to the earth's surface.


The mine used the suction method of ventilation with a central location scheme stems. Fresh air enters the support and inclined trunks, then moves along the main haulage drifts and washes the place of mining. The exhaust air is going to the main conveyor roadway and ventilation shafts shall be issued to the surface. Aerodynamic characteristics of mine built a network based on the calculation of the required air volume and depression is hard-ventilated areas. Fan VC-31,5 is the actual air flow 175 m3/sec. 2880 Pa and depression. The angle of guide blades at an efficiency of 0º at an efficiency of 0,73. Mine is № 9/10 was designed with a production capacity of 2,2 million tons per year, with simultaneous operation 12 production faces. Currently there are 6 in the production faces, which provide production 650 thousand tons/year.


Details: PC «Marganetsk MPC», ul. Sovetskaya, 62, Manganese, Dnepropetrovsk region, Ukraine, tel.: (05665)22202, (05665)322970, fax: (05665)23031, TTY: (05665)349818 «Maple», e-mail:


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