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minin centers Ukraine





Public Company «Krivorozhskiy ore-mine combine»

  автор: Олег Хоменко

History. Geological survey of enterprise deposits began in 1880, S.O. Kontkevichem to offer a three-member division of the stratigraphic rock Krivoy Rog. Field development began in the 80s. Twentieth century, when A.N. Paul was founded «Krivorozhskiy ore-mine combine». A large number of enterprises were acquired by French companies. Development of deposits on an industrial scale began in 1884 with the launch of the railroad, which connected Kryvbas and Donbas. The depth of pits reached 80 m, and the mines – 300 m. In 1973, the largest in the mining basin of the trusts' «Dzerzhinsk-ore», «Lenin-ore», named after S.M. Kirov and «May Day» included in the production association «Krivbass-ore». The union included 10 mine groups consisting of 24 mines, vehicle maintenance, management of railway transport, concrete products plant and construction materials and more. In 1994 the association was reorganized into «Krivorozhskiy ore-mine combine».


Resource base. The structure of the plant are mine, are developing northern, central and southern group of fields. As a result of mining and geological conditions of occurrence of ore bodies are in a fairly wide range. As a rule, each mine field is several tens of ore bodies of various forms of bedding, which coalesce with the depth or disunite. Dominated by columnar and reservoir ore bodies. On mineral composition of rich iron ore with an average iron content of 56,7%, phosphorus 0,02% and 0,16% sulfur are separated by magnetite and hematite-martite («blue»), goethite-dispersion-martite («dye-blue»)-goethite-hematite dispersion («paint»). Dominated martite and hematite ore martite.


The structure of the enterprise consists of mining shafts them. Lenin, «Guards», «October» and «Homeland» with a design capacity 2,1, 4,5, 2,1, 2,5 million tons/year, respectively. Smooth operation of the mines provide support units: mechanical-repair plant, shaft construction and construction management, depot management, railway transport, repair and construction and power plant, the central base emulsifying laboratory and logistics. Currently, ore extraction plant is at a depth of 1200–1300 meters, and construction of new horizons – 1300–1500 m. The average balance supply are working on the mine floor will be Modern 12–12,5 million tons the amount of ore to the mill is close to 5 million tons/year.


The specificity of the mines is a steep drop Combine all the ore deposits, which go to a depth of at an angle more than 45o. In such circumstances, when mining stocks operating horizon, while an autopsy is performed and the preparation of inventories of new floors. With each successive horizon is located at 75–80 m below the previous one. There is an increase of the distance from trunk to ore deposits and, consequently, increase the volume of work underground construction by 15–20%.


Opening scheme the mine fields – vertical shafts and storied crosscut with double floors of deposits, which is equal to the height of 150–160 meters, and separate – 75–80 m. Prepare stocks within stories – field vectors. Hauling ore by means of electric contact K-14 and UVG-10 trucks. Conducting horizontal development workings realized drilling and blasting method. The structure of the tunnel complex usually consists of drilling rig SBKNS-2C Loader PPN-3A charger ZP-2 and fan the SVM-5. Vertical production conducted tunnel complexes such as KPV-4 and tuneless 2KV and 10% in the usual way: with equipment for drilling holes regiments telescope punches PT-48A. Up to 70% of reserves worked through the mine fields with the help of camera systems development with the breaking of ore from drill drifts, passed on the breed. Cleaning seizure consists of four stages: Cutting (piece of) stock and turn the camera sinks, cutting inventory purifying chamber, and ceiling antechamber pillar. Suction is applied at the mines with way different schemes diagonal ventilation. Fresh air is supplied to the basic operational horizons, developed, prepared, as well as mining and capital works on conduct trunks.


Products – iron ore sinter with iron content from 50 to 60%, according to specifications TU 14-9-359-99, lumpy ore domain with an iron content of 47 to 50%, according to specifications TU 14-9-359-99. PC «KIOС» – is the largest enterprise in Ukraine for the extraction of ore by underground methods, providing annual production of more than 6 million tons of iron ore. Its share in the domestic market sinter is more than 40%.


Consumers: PC «ArselorMittal Krivoy Rog», metallurgical plants in Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Among domestic consumers: Mariupol. Illich, Alchevsk Iron & Steel, MР. Dzerzhinsky, the demilitarized zone to them. Petrovsky, «Zaporizhstal», Makiyivka metallurgical plant.

Mine «Homeland»

Mine is «Homeland» was put into operation in 1973, piloted capacity reservoir to the depth varies from 8 to 110 m, the angle of incidence – from 36 to 57o. The length of continuous mineralization in the mine field reaches 880 m. martite ore highly porous, friable, unstable. Hanging wall is composed martite and goethite-martite quartzites strength of 100–140 MPa. The main part of the footwall rocks are amphibolite’s strength 176 MPa. Shaft «Motherland» performed to a depth of 1580 m. Mining of iron ore is on the horizon 1315 m. The preparatory work carried out at the horizon 1390 m, construction – 1465 meters height are working on floor is 75 meters Proven reserves at the mine to a depth of 1465 m – 59,5 million tons of mine works at more than 1650 workers.

Mine «October»

Mine is «October» was put into operation in 1958, now mine, «October» is combined with mine, «Dawn». For some time it was called «Dawn-October». Mine developed a large sheet-like deposit of rich ore, which is over 1000 m. The average reservoir thickness of 23 m with a dip angle 53o, which is below the horizon 1190 m down to 36–46o. Also in the mine field and recites a series in the form of nests columnar ore bodies 60–3000 m in length and a capacity of 6–17 m. The strength of 50–60 MPa ore, and the average content of iron in it 63,3%. Hanging and footwall composed martite and goethite-martite quartzites strength of 100–140 MPa. Shaft «Blind-October», performed to a depth of 1524 m. The excavation is performed on Cleaning horizons 1180 and 1260 m, the preparatory work – 1340 m, mountain capital – 1420 m. The mine, «October» 29% of stocks are processed through floor-chamber and 71% of the sublevel-chamber system with the development of ore breaking vertical fans of deep wells in the horizontal sweeps. Height are working on floor is 80 m. The mine was prospected reserves to a depth of 2015 m – 253834 tis mine that work team of more than 1,700 workers.

Mine «Guards»

Mine «Guards» was put into operation in 1967, ore bodies, developed the mine, mainly columnar form in length 100–230 m. The deposits of «North 2 East» tabular, length of 600–700 m. The angle of incidence of deposits varies from 55–65o and capacity from 10–15 to 25 m. The ores of medium and high strength. Hanger complex resistant quartzite martite strength 100–130 MPa, lying – goethite-hematite-hornfels martite strength of 70–90 MPa. Shaft «Guards» performed to a depth of 1310 meters, «Blind-Uglubochny» up to 1350 m. The preparatory work is carried out on the horizon in 1110 and 1190 m, mountain capital – 1350 and 1430 m Testing of up to 70% of the reserves of ore mine, «Guards» is chamber systems development and 30% of systems with the collapse of the ore and backs. Height are working on floor is 80 m. The mine was prospected reserves to a depth of 1990 m – 134116 tis so in the collective works of mine, more than 1,300 workers.

Mine them. Lenin

Mine them. Lenin put into operation in 1965 in mine field is dominated by deposits of columnar shape. Their length varies from 50–300 m, the angle of 54–60º, and the horizontal capacity of 10–30 m. The strength of the ore is 50–70 MPa. Breed hanging wall quartzites are resistant martite strength of 160–180 MPa. Footwall quartzite complex combined strength of 120–140 MPa and 160–200, and layers of shale. Shaft them. Lenin passed to a depth of 1441 m. Cleaning operations are conducted at depths of 1200 and 1275 m and the mining capital – in 1425 and 1500 m Testing of 85% of the stockpiled ore mine is chambered systems development and 15% of systems with the collapse of the ore and backs. Height are working on floor is 75 m. The mine was prospected reserves to a depth of 1955 meters – 149 million 860 thousand tons a staff of approximately 1,300 employees.


Details: PC «Krivorozhskiy ore-mine combine», ul. Simbirtseva 1-A, Krivoy Rog, Dnipropetrovsk region, Ukraine, 50 029, Reception: tel.: (0564)503167, fax: (0564)958418, the controller (0564)503322, (0564)503222, e-mail:,; Web:


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