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State Enterprise «Dneprogiproshaht»

автор: Олег Хоменко

History. Prior to the inception of the first branch of state planning organization in 1925, there was no clear-cut management system design, which did not allow a purposeful and effective use of advances in science, technology and international experience in the industry. Resolution of the Council of Ministers «On the reorganization of the coal industry design organizations of the USSR» was aimed at raising the technical level of design decisions, efficiency and safety of the industry. Much attention was paid to the creation of appropriate conditions of design organizations and develops standards. In accordance with this Regulation has been allocated funds for construction of buildings of institutions relevant machinery and equipment. Most design companies have been appointed new managers. Director of the Institute «Dneprogiproshaht» was Alexander Kalachnikov.


In the same year was included construction of the main body of the institute. The very process of construction was very difficult: there were no appropriate building techniques, materials and human resources. Were necessary talent and great efforts manager to (even with a reliable funding) to successfully carry out construction. Alexander Kalachnikov and his assistants with the honor to grips with the heavy load. In 1953, the building of the institute «Dneprogiproshaht» was completed and the institute began its work. There has been a comfortable environment for creative designers. In later years, after a series of transformations, renaming and reassignment, while maintaining the basic profile of the entity operates, and in 1951 it was transformed in the Dnepropetrovsk State Institute of Mine Design «Dneprogiproshaht».


The institute «Dneprogiproshaht» in 1978 was awarded the Order of Red Banner of Labor for their achievements in the design of mining and processing of coal and a major contribution to the development of the coal industry. In 1996, the Presidential Decree and the Order of Gosugleproma Ukraine on the basis of the State Design Institute «Dneprogiproshaht» organized by the Public Joint Stock Company «Dneprogiproshaht», which is currently under the Ministry of Coal Industry of Ukraine. The greatest wealth of the Institute has been and remains to this day – its personnel, specialists.


At various times in the institute's highly qualified professionals, joined the ranks of researchers, including academics and members of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, doctors and candidates of sciences. During his tenure, the Institute has trained four doctors of science, 10 candidates, 4 State Prize winners, two distinguished inventor and architect, 7 people were awarded medals and 23 medals. Today, experts from the institute are able to solve the most difficult problems in design. The institute «Dneprogiproshaht» has wide experience in creating designs for mining supports complex geological conditions and improve their sustainability, to develop a project implementation of the system packet-containerized cargo delivery to the mine and development projects for mine water demineralization and automation of design work on Electricity and communication in the workplace. The institute has always enjoyed great prestige among manufacturers, operators and builders, the leadership of the ministry.


The scope of the institute «Dneprogiproshaht» – is mining. The Institute carries out the design documentation for the coal industry, including mines in the canopy (up to 18°), oblique (19–35°), steeply inclined (36–50°) and steep (50–85°) dipping coal seams at any level of complexity hydro geological and geological conditions castings. Has experience in designing underground mining operations to non-metallic deposits (gypsum, diamond mining – Russia; salts – Belarus) and the mining industry. The institute has more than 75-year history of designing coal mines, mines, quarries, processing plants, underground facilities for special purposes, settlements and infrastructure. In addition to the objects of the coal industry institute has experience in designing mines and quarries for the extraction of diamonds and other minerals. On the Institute's projects were restored mines, destroyed during the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War, built a new, reconstructed and re-equip technically active mines in the Central, Krasnoarmeysk, anthracite regions Donbas coal mines were built in Mangyshlak field, careers in the Kasbahs region and Sakhalin. On the Institute's projects and develop a new assimilated carbon region «West Donbas» with infrastructure, cities and coal camps, mining 10 million tons of coal per year. Total project of the Institute was built, rebuilt, refurbished and restored technically 320 mines, quarries built 7, 20 group and the central concentrators and 14 enrichment plants.


Awards. For high-performance development of the Western Donbas – the new field with complex conditions – a group of specialists of the Institute was awarded the USSR State Prize in 1975 for the Institute in the former Soviet Union was the lead on the construction of mining in complex geological conditions, the mechanization of labor-intensive support work in underground conditions for electricity, scheduling and communications, as well as the basic automation of design work. In 1978, for their achievements in design and contribution to the development of coal industry institute was awarded the Order of Red Banner of Labor. The Institute has a sufficient physical facilities, including modern computer technology, has one of the richest in the coal industry archive of project documentation, collected over the entire period of activity, is composed of the necessary structural units and highly qualified professionals, enabling the development of design estimates for the construction of a high scientific and technical level. On projects of the institute «Dneprogiproshaht» built large mines, enrichment plants, mining towns and villages, set up a highly efficient system packet-container shipments in the mine, there are effective mine support structures have been solved some complex engineering problems – and the usual sliding tower buildings on tree trunks, method to eliminate heel high-rise buildings in case of unexpected tilt and much more.


Implementation of projects:
- Construction, renovation, modernization and liquidation (closure) mine with a gentle, sloping steeply inclined and steep seams in the occurrence of any of the hydrogeological and geological conditions castings;
- Construction of tunnels and urban underground structures;
- Construction of roads and transport facilities;
- Construction of the housing and cultural facilities;
- Construction and the elimination of special-purpose facilities.


- Schemes and master plans of regional development;
- Measures to stabilize the coal mines;
- Systems integrated mechanization of production processes;
- Measures to protect the environment from the effects of mining.


Has experience in designing mines with underground mining for the mining industry and non-metallic deposits (gypsum, diamonds and salt).
The list of documents that authorize GOAO «Dneprogiproshaht» to perform special types of work in the design and construction:
1. Certificate of state registration of a business entity – a legal person.
2. State license to perform specific types of work in design and construction.
3. License of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine.
4. License State Department of Fire Safety MOE.
5. Permission to start work performance increased risk № 1071.06.30-74.20.1 State Department of Industrial Safety, Labor Protection and Mining Supervision Ministry of Emergency Situations.


Details: SE «Dneprogiproshaht»,

ul. Mironov, 15, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49000,

tel.: (056)7782663, (056)7568200, (056)7568300, Office: (056)7568209, TTY: 143 232 «Mine», fax: (056) 7440100,

e-mail:, Web:


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