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Dnipropetrovsk city council of young scientists

автор: Олег Хоменко

History. Dnipropetrovsk city council of young scientists (DCCOYS) was established in 2004 and began working closely with the city department of education and science. This work resulted in the allocation of the mayor Kulichenko I.I. 200 thousand UAH for realization of the competition «Youth Dnipropetrovsk – the native city» for grants for young scientists carrying out research work related to solving actual problems of the city. Special assistance and support in the development of competition showed Deputy Director of Education and Science City Council Goryachev VK The city council headed by former secretary of the regional council of young scientists, associate professor of the National Mining University, Khomenko O.
According to numerous recommendations DGSMU city competition has acquired all the trappings of European social organization. For example, the Committee on Family and Youth City Council, which is the main organizer of the contest, had been recommended by a number of improvements. This formulation of the priority topics of relevance to the city, the introduction of the reporting on the results of the implementation of grants, establishing a system of monitoring of the entries that control the presentation of results chairmen of city and regional councils of young scientists, and many others


Competitions. The contest was organized Dnipropetrovsk City Council of People's Deputies, with the support of city and regional councils of young scientists, universities and research institutes of the city, and the Dnieper Research Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, as well as the Ministry of Education and Science. The aim of the competition is to support scientific and applied research of young scientists. During 2004–2007. financial support for projects received 25 groups of young scientists. Size of grants ranging from 18 to 40 thousand UAH.


The decision to determine the winners receives a commission of experts headed by Deputy Mayor E. Lozenko. The council consists of leading scientific and pedagogical workers in the region, in particular the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Chairman Pridneprovsk Research Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine V. Pilipenko, rector of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, Professor O.G. Velichko, Rector of Dnipropetrovsk State Finance Academy, N.I. Redin, Vice-Rector of Dnipropetrovsk National University, Professor O.O. Kochubey, chairman of the Dnipropetrovsk City Council of young scientists head of the Science of the National Mining University, Associate Professor O.E. Khomenko ets.


Traditionally, young scientists – the winners receive certificates for grants during a reception the mayor for the day science, which is celebrated annually on May 16. For four years, participated in the contest 78 teams of young scientists from 15 universities, research institutions and enterprises. The contest is accepted projects, whose themes will focus on the following issues of city development.


1. Development of resource potential.
2. Automation and computerization of government processes and services.
3. Improving economic management complex.
4. Improvement of social infrastructure.
5. Housing and utilities reform.
6. Energy-saving technologies.
7. Transport networks and optimization of transportation.
8. Architecture, construction and reconstruction of buildings.
9. Development of entrepreneurship and small business.
10. The ecological situation of the city and the environment.
11. Increasing the level and quality of life.
12. Social and legal protection of the population, as well as potential cultural and spiritual revival of the city.


Event. In order to fully and more complete disclosure of the scientific potential of the talented and gifted youth Dnipropetrovsk city council of young scientists annually organizes events during the celebration of «Day of Youth». That design and organization of the campaign tent in the square to them. Lenin Dnipropetrovsk, distribution of information leaflets about the conditions of urban competition, establishing personal contacts.


Annual city contest «Intelligence – Creativity – Success», which held the city of Dnipropetrovsk employers' organization with the active support of the city council of young scientists. Involvement of the contest the wider community of young scientists Dnipropetrovsk made possible through the work of the chairmen of boards of persistent young scientists of higher educational institutions and research institutes. They held each year promotional and organizational work on the preparation and submission of entries. The upgrade of the competitive selection is implemented through the effective participation of young scientists from the universities of the preliminary review of competitive works. The subsequent increase in the efficiency of competition «Intelligence – Creativity – success» implemented through the development of criteria for optimizing the young scientists together with the organizing committee of the competition.


Achievement. More than 5 years of council problems of information support, coordination and support of young scientists began the task yesterday. Today, the city is working successfully, «School of young scientists – leaders – Science». Organized meetings with prominent scientists, psychologists and writers. The main motivation for young researchers as Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine serves as a housing issue. Since 2006, the Board initiated the issue of youth building on preferential terms for young scientists. Lobbying the issue on the local and provincial levels have already brought results. Regional State Administration in 2007 for the construction of social housing for young scientists has been allocated almost 5 mln. UAH.



Dnipropetrovsk regional council of young scientists,

office 4/48, Ave. Marx, 19, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49005,

тел.: (0562)472326, E-mail:

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