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News:: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] :: 2009-11-27  | Portal Services Update Update Portals Rudana - always with the times. Every year we strive to ensure that all visitors to our portal is not only interesting but also useful to come to us. Our resources include more than 30 different types of activities, the basis of which is mountain topics and IT technologies of the Future. >>> | 2009-11-20  | Новые достижения портала Новые достижения портала
>>> | 2009-11-05  | Пополнение библиотеки Пополнение библиотеки >>> | 2009-11-03  | The «Rudana Portal» made off becoming More than for 2 years of existence in Ukraine of the «Rudana project» a portal suffered the row of organizational changes and improvements. Primary creation of mining site with the purpose of improvement of educational process in the National mountain university to direction «Mountain business» was carried out in November, 2007.
>>> | 2009-09-24 .jpg&x=100) | A cabinet confirmed the state program the nuclear fuel of Ukraine A document foresees building on the base of the Novo-Konstantynovskogo deposit of metallurgical factory on processing of uranium ore with the depositories of wastes in 2009-2013 years, organization of production of the selecting assembling, creation of complete cycle of zirconium production, including the issue of pipe rental, on the base of SC «Zirconium». At the same time, it is planned to carry out the technical retooling of SC «Resin» with the purpose of production of ionic-exchange resins in volumes necessary for extractive industry. It is also planned to acquire technologies on making of fuel pills.
>>> | 2009-08-24 .jpg&x=100) | From the world of rating - the image of Ukraine «Ah, where my 18 years!» – once time to remember former years will come for Ukraine. While – here they, 18: stage of especially intent attention to the «adult» country outside where more mature world «undependences». What does see the world today's Ukraine? To get a clear idea of it «Details» information of the world ratings helped.
>>> | 2009-08-10  | Did metallurgists go out from the crisis? The enterprises of mining and metallurgical complex of Ukraine go out from a crisis. Fourth month in succession factories grow the production volumes of steel. Metallurgists are careful in prognoses, they explain growth of production by addition to the exhausted ware-house supplies of users.
>>> | 2009-06-25  | In composition the «Rudana project» are 2 international resources In May, 2009 by consultative advice of the «Rudana project» the decision about the division of portal on two isolated web-resources was accepted. This improvement arose up by reason of row of inconveniences which were unsealed in latter days. The effective functioning of portal was complicated by the high saturation of information of a different orientation.
>>> | 2009-06-19  | There are we on the threshold of boom of building of the АЕS in Europe Speaking is yet early simply, but that we stand on the threshold of boom of building of AES in Europe it is possible to consider the accomplished fact. It gives the quite good chances of Russia to go out to the world market and participate in building of hi-tech objects. It is advantageous with commercial, and with technological points of view – will promote political positions of Russia in Europe and on long years and will bind in power to the sphere.
>>> | 2009-02-24  | Experts expect the price advance on uranium This year prices on uranium can grow almost twice. The cost of raw material for production of fuel for nuclear reactors can exceed 80 dollars for a pound at a current price in 47 dollars. It will happen, if to the market investors will get back besides engineering specialists power. About it writes the business portal BFM.ru with reference to the experts of the TradeTech Company.
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