автор: Олег Хоменко
Conference (English: Academic conference) – a form of organization scientific activity, in which researchers (not necessarily scientists or students) present and discuss their work. Usually in advance (in the information letter or poster ad) reports on the subject, time and place of holding conference. Then begins the collection of abstracts, and sometimes organizational payment. The status conference is intermediate between the seminars and congresses. The first historically recorded conference was a symposium friends of Agathon in 416.
The structure of the conference:
- Registration of participants with the distribution of the conference program (with the order of presentations);
- The opening and plenary session with the speech of the conference organizers;
- Work in sections or round tables to hear the reports and subsequent discussion;
- Coffee break in middle of the conference or banquet or feast on its end;
- Cultural program (excursions) for non-resident guests;
- Publication of scientific papers. Often, a collection of conference participants is given at registration.
Types of conferences:
- Scientific-Theoretical Conference;
- Scientific-Practical Conference;
- Scientific-Technical Conference.