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автор: Олег Хоменко







Banner Network - is a system resource with a single center for the automated process of exchange of banners. The functioning of a banner network is due to display banners of other parties participating in the portal «Rudana». In turn, Portal has the ability to show banners of a portal to other sites of the system. You can use as a banner network and multiple networks simultaneously, as is done for different portal pages, and realized as on the main page, news, analytics, etc.


On the Internet there are many specialized banner networks, as well as the ability to create internal exchange banner networks, sites of mountain areas of focus or partner sites. Information about the most famous banner exchange networks, usually found on specialized sites. They posted detailed information about each of these networks. It is also possible to know which banners are used to share, what percentage of the commission the network, the number of times the banners in the network conditions of the program to new participants banner network. Banner networks include targeting a variety of categories: subjects, geography, resources, and many other features.


When selecting a banner network to pay special attention to those resources that could provide a portal banners high CTR (click/through ratio). CTR is one of the main characteristics of the banner and the mean ratio of the number of clicks on a particular banner to a number of his hits. High CTR banners can provide not only the most powerful banner ads. There are various specific network, which due to its specialization provide banners maximum CTR.


To the right choice in the portal banner network estimated its features: power, targeted banners, the interest of the commission. This can be done to provide statistics. Qualitative banner system is a powerful software, and this, in turn, higher service stability and high reliability, extremely full and comprehensive statistics on impressions of banners, enabling control the display of each banner, literacy target hits banners.

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