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State enterprise «Ukrainian scientific-research design-researchinstitute of industrial technology»

автор: Олег Хоменко

History. «UkrSRDRIindustrtechnology» was established in 1970 to research and design and survey support nuclear industry. On the Institute's projects are built mountain complexes on the basis of the Ukrainian deposits of uranium ores, hydrometallurgical plant and many other industrial nuclear facilities in Russia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia. In addition, the institute has long experience in the implementation of an integrated design and survey work in the construction and reconstruction of enterprises extracting and processing gold and rare earth metals, machine building plants, of civil and social facilities, as well as research to develop technologies for the extraction of minerals, occupational safety and health and the environment, the establishment of radiation safety uranium facilities. Institute subject to Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine and shapes of atomic technology policy and industrial sector is directly involved in the program of creating nuclear fuel cycle in Ukraine and performs complex design work. The Institute addresses environmental issues, working with the International Atomic Energy Agency, foreign firms and companies from Germany, France and USA etc.


Specialists of the Institute, using modern technical means and technologies, and develop measures to reduce the negative impact of industrial projects on the environment and rehabilitation of areas disturbed as a result of their activities, radiation monitoring systems, technology for radioactive waste management, forecasting exercise influence on the uranium facilities and litho-hydrosphere, production staff and the people who live in areas where industrial facilities. Challenges and problems posed in front of the Institute, provides highly qualified team of professionals. On the basis of scientific and technological developments are protected by doctoral and 22 master's theses, received about 300 titles of protection for inventions.


The best-known executives, professionals and scientists of the Institute: Ph.D. Avdeev О.K., Bykov J.K., Gorbachev V.N., Davydov S.V., Dmitriev G.V., Ph. D. Dmitriev L.G., Ph. D. Zhdanov V.N., Ph.D. Kaushik Y.I., Krivchikov V.A., Ph.D. Krikunov M.V., Kuzminski V.D., Kuzminski P.D., Lozinskay A.A., Ph.D. Liashenko V.I., Maslyakov V.A., Maslyakov G.A., Meleshko N.Y., Ph.D. Melnichenko V.M., Ph.D. Nedelskiy A.G., Parshin S.A., Ph.D. Poddubny I.K., Ph.D. Saveliev J.Y., Dr. Ph.D. Slepchov M.N., Smirnov V.S., Tarhin J.N., Ph.D. Finogeev V.I., Hudoshina N.A., Shcheglov J.N.


Director of the Institute – Kaushik Yuri I. – Ph.D., author and co-author of numerous publications and scientific papers on efficient mining of uranium deposits and reducing the anthropogenic impact of uranium production on the environment. Awarded «Excellence in Energy» Fuel and Energy Ministry of Ukraine.


Institute partners are the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Nuclear Society, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the State Enterprise «Eastern Mining and Processing Enterprise», State Scientific-Production Enterprise «Zirconium», SE «Tar», SE «Barrier», SE «Pridneprovsky Nonferrous Metals Plant», SE «Dnieper hydro plant», SE «Scientific Research Tube Institute», SE «Ukrrudprom», РC «Northern Mining and Processing Plant», Sevastopol National Institute of Nuclear Energy and Industry, Krivoy Rog Technical University, State Science and Engineering Center monitoring and emergency response, the Institute for Nuclear Research, State-owned Enterprise «Kirovgeologiya», National Science Center «Kharkov Physical-Technical Institute», Scientific-Technical Complex «The nuclear fuel cycle» of the National Science Center «Kharkov Physic-Technical Institute», РC «Kharkov Institute Promtransproekt», РC «Iron and Steel Works named. Iliac», Ukrainian-Kazakh-Russian joint venture to produce nuclear fuel UKR TVS, Inc», «TVEL», «Gazprom», concern «South-ore», «Technotronic», РC «Island», Umwelt und Ingenieurtechnik GMBH, Dresden, Germany.


Sphere of activity. For four decades, has been implementing activities in the following areas: integrated research and design (nuclear industry, mining and processing of gold, rare metals and minerals, machinery plants, facilities construction industry; of civil and social purposes); certification and technical study of building structures, buildings and facilities, evaluation of the environmental impact of industrial facilities, research and technology development (mining, occupational safety and health and the environment, the establishment of radiation safety systems facilities; radioactive waste).


Objects of the mining and processing enterprises, built on the Institute's projects – this pit head-cage complexes skip trunks surface complexes paired cage shafts, tunnel complexes of vertical shafts, compounding plants for laying-out space, sewage treatment plants of industrial waste water of mining enterprises, and dressing processing Factory of mineral resources, mineral grinding department hydrometallurgical plants, sewage treatment plants hydro-, three-dimensional models of industrial sites and urban areas.


Details: State Enterprise «Ukrainian Scientific-Research Design-Research Institute of Industrial Technology», ul. Petrovsky, 37, Yellow Waters, Dnepropetrovsk region, Ukraine, 52200, tel.: (05652)26285, (05652)93341, fax: (05652)23297, e-mail:, web:


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