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International scientific and technical conference «Forum of Mining Engineers»

Логотип форума

автор: Олег Хоменко

Conference Organizers: Ministry of Education, Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine; Committee on the Issues of Fuel and Energy Complex, Nuclear Policy and Nuclear Safety of the Ukrainian Parliament; Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine; State Higher Education Establishment “National Mining University” (Dnipropetrovsk); Private Stock Company “Donetsksteel” - Metallurgical Plant” Ukraine; Public Stock Company “DTEK Pavlogradvugillya”, Ukraine; Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Electric Power Engineering of NAS of Ukraine (Dnipropetrovsk); Institute of Nature-Use and Ecology of NAS of Ukraine (Dnipropetrovsk); National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; National Agency of Ukraine on the Issues of Assuring Effective Use of Energy Resources; National Company “Naftogaz Ukrainy”; Makeevka Research Institute on Safe Works in Mining; State Administration for Mining Supervision and Industrial Safety of Ukrain.


Foreign Partners: Technical University “Freiberg Mining Academy” (Germany); Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus (Germany); Reutlingen University (Germany); Esslingen University of Applied Sciences (Germany); Montanuniversität Leoben (Austria); Science and Technology University “Krakow Mining and Metallurgical Academy” (Poland); Wroclaw Technical University (Poland); Main Institute of Mining (Katovice, Poland); Laval University (Calgary, Canada); Moscow State Mining University (Russia); Saint-Petersburg State Mining University (Russia); Kazakh National Technical University (Almaty, Kazakhstan).


The head of the organizing committee: Gennadiy PIVNYAK, Rector of the State Higher Education Establishment “National Mining University”, Academician of the NAS of Ukraine. Deputies: Alexander BESHTA, Vice-Rector on Scientific Work, Professor, NMU. Alexander SHASHENKO, Vice-Rector on International Relations, Professor, NMU. Secretary of the Organizing Committee: Yevgeniya TERESCHUК.


International organizing commitee: I.N. Popovych (Ukraine), Yu.G. Vilkul (Ukraine), G.G. Pivnyak (Ukraine), Bernd Meyer (Germany), Michael Schmidt (Germany), Carsten Drebenstedt (Germany), Nikolaus Neuberger (Germany), Werner Heidler (Germany), Monika Hardygora (Poland), Antony Tajdus (Poland), Raj K. Singhal (Canada),  A.V. Korchak (Russia), B.R. Rakishev (Kazakhstan).


Scientific and technical sections: Problems of engineering education at current stage of society development; тechnologies of underground mining; technologies of underground mining;  open-pit operations; minerals dressing; building and exploitation of underground constructions; ways of surveyor-geodesic works development; geo-mechanics and geo-techniques; geology; problems and perspectives in modernization of mining equipment; mining aerology and labor protection; technologies of economical and safe usage of electric power; automation in mining; economic and management issues in mining industry; environmental and legal issues of technogenically overloaded regions.


Forum preliminary program. The first day – Registration of participants. Visiting Exhibitions and Museums. (audience 1/3, 8-00 – 20-00). Plenary session: Forum Opening Ceremony, Reports of leading Experts, Ordination of senior students to miners (leisure center  NMU, 11-00 – 12-30). Visiting Exhibitions and Museums. (hall case № 1, 13-00 – 14-00). The second day –  Работа научно-технических секций по индивидуальным планам (10-00 – 17-00). Work of the Scientific and Methodical Commission of the Ministry of Education, Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine in Mining (audience 1/87, 10-00 – 12-00). Presentations and excursions (15-00 – 16-30). The third day – Work in scientific and technical sections (10-00 – 17-00). Departure of participants.


News. Current information on the International Scientific Conference "Forum miners" posted on the website of the National Mining University (


Contact information. State Higher Education Establishment “National Mining University” (Dnipropetrovsk), Department of International Co-operation, 19, K. Marx Avenue, 49005, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, tel./fax: +38 (0562) 470766; +38 (056) 47-13-72, E-mail:


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