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научно-образовательные и горнодобывающие центры Украины





Научный вестник НГУ 2008 г. №6

автор: Олег Хоменко

Scienfitic bulleten of
the National Mining University
the scienfitic and technical journal


The foreword

The M. Protodjakonov's short biography Technische Universitilt Bergakademie Freiberg National Mining University
Pivnyak G., Busygin В., Nikulin S. Mineralische Rohstoffressourcen der Ukraine: Zustand imd Tendenzen der Entwicklung
Schmidt M. Unland G. DEM-ModeUing of Comminution in Sizers- Part I
Unland G. The mathematical formulation of the size effect
Pilov P., Gorobets L. Bovenko V., N. Pryadko. Acoustic monitoring of the sizes changes of grinded particles
Kovalenko V., Gorobets L. Impact of mechanical activation of binding agent and filler on strength properties f concrete
Konietzky H. Numerical Simulation of Damage and Fracture Mechanical Processes in Rocks
Sadovenko I., Petrivskiy Ya., Rudakov D. Crack extension in rocks under Де artificial mineral deposit caused by injection of a fracturing non-newtonian fluid
Shashenko A., Gapieiev S. Numerical simulation of the elastic-plastic state of rock mass around horizontal workings
Shashenko A., Gapieiev S., Solodyankin A. Numerical modeling of rock floor heaving in excavations
Shashenko A., Sdvizhkova O. Strength theory application for heterogeneous rocks
Babets D., Kirichenko Ye., Sdvizhkova O. Numeralcal modeling rocks properties random distribution in the  geomehanical problems
Shashenko A., Sdvizhkova A., Polischuk S., Khozjajkina N. Locating of failure surfase in a rock slope on the baseofphenomenological strength theory
Starotitorov H., Starotitorova Y. Numerical analysis of the rock failure process in the three-dimensional stress state
Meschaninov S. The estimation of area the in-contour massive, containing the working face stability on the basis of entropy-integral criterion
C. Drebenstedt, M. KreBner, S. PSssler, D. Balke. Analysis of the influence of cutting resistance on the bucket wheel excavator output
Drebenstedt C, Ortuta J. Valuation of blast induced stress and strains on buildings
Gumenik L, Panasenko A., Maevskiy A., Lozhnikov A. Degree and stage estimation of the renewal territory after open mining work
Sobolev V., Usherenko S. Phase transformations in aluminium and its alloys at the super-deep penetration of microparticles
Fruhwirt Т., Hausdorf A., Konietzky ИЦ Heinrich F., Mocka N., Schleinig J.P. Selected aspects of roof anchorage in potash mining
Dychkovskiy R. Geomechanical situation and mining workings support in zones of stress fields' borders
Busygin В., Garkusha L, Nikulin S. The new method of three-dimensional wireframe modeling of geological objects
Forum Mining Engineers - 2008. Information for participants
Requirements to the articles for publishing in materials of Forum of Mining Engineers-2008
Our authors

Dnepropetrovsk 2008

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